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Planner in fireTMS – efficient order planning

ikona zegara4 minuty czytania

4 de enero de 2024 / Autor: fireTMS team

In this article you will find information about:

In order to facilitate the planning of transports and the allocation of loads and free vehicles, a Planner function has been added to the fireTMS system. It can be found under Orders >> Planner. In the Planner, free vehicles (internal vehicles) and available loads are displayed so that they can be put together and an order can be created. The Planner function is available in the Carrier module (view).

How does the Planner work?

By going to Orders >> Planner, a map appears showing vehicles and loads. Available loads and free vehicles can be shown for today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow or in three days’ time – this enables orders to be planned for the coming days.

In the map view, loading points, unloading points and vehicles can be presented. This view can be freely modified by selecting or deselecting the options visible above the map: Loadings, Unloading, Vehicles.

Loads to be picked up 

The Loads tab shows the loads that are ready to be picked up. By clicking on the icon next to each load number, you can go directly to the selected load ready for disposal.

Once a particular load is highlighted in the list, the route is displayed on the map along with the Loading and Unloading points and Cargo details.

Available vehicles

The Vehicles tab shows the available internal vehicles. When a vehicle is selected from the list with registration numbers, it is highlighted in green on the map and Vehicle details (including its attributes as well as the semi-trailer and driver assigned to the vehicle in the last completed order) appear below the map.

To link a vehicle to a load, go to the Vehicles tab, select the vehicle on the map and link it to the load using the plus (+) icon next to the load. Once this is done, a summary of the vehicle and load details (including attributes and route) will appear under Vehicle details on the map.

Once a vehicle is paired with a load in the Vehicle details section, this pairing can be saved using the Save option or undone using the Undo changes option.

Creating orders in the Planner

Once the option Save is selected, both the Loads and Vehicles tabs will show the connection and, from both tabs, it will be possible to create an order with the selected load and vehicle. To do this, select the connection in the Select column and then click on Create orders from selected. Using this function, it is possible to create more than one order at the same time. This function allows orders to be generated in the system from each load-vehicle combination that is selected in the Select column. This means that it is possible to create orders for all available loads and free vehicles at the same time.

Created orders can be found under Orders >> Orders in progress

Once an order or orders have been created using the Create orders from selected function, after clicking Refresh, the vehicles and loads that have been selected for orders will automatically disappear from the list for disposal and from the map view.

If you would like to find out more about fireTMS functionality, please contact us.


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fireTMS team

fireTMS team

The article was written by the fireTMS team, based on their knowledge, experience and awareness of the TSL industry.

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