fireTMS > Blog > Recurring costs, integration with the Transporeon platform and other new features in fireTMS

Recurring costs, integration with the Transporeon platform and other new features in fireTMS

ikona zegara1 minuta czytania

5 de junio de 2024 / Autor: fireTMS team

Learn about new features and upgrades by reading this article:

Recurring costs

With the new version of the system, the option to add recurring costs was introduced. This allows the user to easily and quickly register a recurring cost, such as a tractor lease, in fireTMS. To add a company’s fixed (recurring) costs, go to Vehicles >> Expenses and then select Register expense >> Record recurring cost. When registering a cost, it is possible to specify how many times and at what intervals (X days/weeks/months) the cost is to be repeated.

Integration into Transporeon

Another new feature is the integration with the Transporeon platform. To activate it, go to Configuration >> System configuration >> Transporeon tab >> option Activate integration. Then select the information icon, which will display instructions on how to proceed. The integration into fireTMS will automatically download loads with completed data directly from the Transporeon platform, speeding up the work considerably.

Activity log in purchase debit note and invoice

With this functionality, the user can check selected changes to the purchase debit note or invoice, such as information on the edit date of the sale.

Integration with GPS EcoFleet (FleetComplete)

GPS EcoFleet is another GPS provider that has joined the list of providers integrated with fireTMS. With this integration, customers can track the location of their fleet in the system in real time. To integrate fireTMS with the selected supplier, go to Configuration >> System configuration>> Transport configuration tab >> Telematics Configuration (GPS) section.

If you would like to find out more about recurring costs and other new features, feel free to contact us.

*Functions available for selected packages.


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fireTMS team

fireTMS team

The article was written by the fireTMS team, based on their knowledge, experience and awareness of the TSL industry.

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