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fireTMS > Blog > Automatic email notifications when a purchase invoice is approved and other new features in fireTMS

Automatic email notifications when a purchase invoice is approved and other new features in fireTMS

ikona zegara3 minuty czytania

8 de mayo de 2024 / Autor: fireTMS team

Learn about new features and upgrades by reading this article:

Automatic email notifications when a purchase invoice is approved and an outgoing payment is marked as paid

The most important aspects of a freight forwarder’s work are time and reaction speed. These are the key factors that have a significant impact on the planning and organisation of an order, and ultimately on the profit for the company. To meet the needs of freight forwarders, a new feature has been added to fireTMS – automatic email notifications when a purchase invoice is approved and an outgoing payment is marked as paid. With this feature, both the freight forwarder and the carrier gain considerable benefits during the transport process. These include:

  • time saving – the system automatically sends an email notification, eliminating time-consuming typing of messages or phone calls 
  • transparent communication – both parties responsible for the transport have clear and confirmed information on the status and payment of the invoice.

The functionality also supports the maintenance of financial liquidity for a company for which extended or untimely service payments constitute a significant problem. The option to automatically send e-mail notifications shortens and facilitates the information flow process, which leads to faster settlement of the order. It is line with the saying that time is money.

How do I activate automatic email notifications in fireTMS?

In order to activate the functionality, go to Configuration >> System configuration >> Accounting >> After confirming the purchase invoice send an email notification to the contractor / After marking the outgoing payment as Paid, send an email with information to the contractor.

To see the email templates go to Configuration >> System configuration >> Printout Configuration > Templates.

User login history

In the new version of fireTMS, it is possible to check the logins of a selected user. For this purpose, go to Configuration >> Users >> edit User >> Login history. In addition to information on the date and time of login, the system will also present information on the IP address and login status (successful, unsuccessful).

Activity log in the purchase invoice

Another new feature is Activity Stream for purchase invoices and correcting purchase invoices. This allows the user to check selected changes to a document.

Possibility to hide cancelled orders

A new checkbox – Show cancelled orders – has been added to the list with all orders. The checkbox, when selected, shows orders with a status set to Cancelled.

Integration with Acron GPS

Acron GPS is another GPS provider that has joined the list of providers integrated with fireTMS. To integrate fireTMS with Acron GPS, go to Configuration >> System configuration >> Transport configuration >> Telematics configuration (GPS).

If you want to learn more about automatic email notifications and other new features, please contact us.

*Functions available for selected packages.


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fireTMS team

fireTMS team

The article was written by the fireTMS team, based on their knowledge, experience and awareness of the TSL industry.

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