fireTMS > Blog > 10 fireTMS tools that bring the most benefits for your business

10 fireTMS tools that bring the most benefits for your business

ikona zegara5 minut czytania

26 de noviembre de 2020 / Autor: fireTMS team

fireTMS includes a set of professional tools for efficient transport and forwarding management. In the article below, you will learn about 10 key features of the program that will help you automate your daily work.

In this article you will find:

1. Automatic generation of sales and purchase invoices

Automatic invoice generation after the order is completed is the most frequently used function in fireTMS, because it combines the work of a freight forwarder and accounts. Remember that if you create a forwarding order, apart from the sales invoice, the program will also generate a draft invoice from the carrier. Thanks to this, you can also control the payments for purchase invoices and send them to the accounting program at the end of the month.

2. Communication with the driver (mobile application and SMS templates)

The program enables the sending of information about the order to the driver via SMS templates or to the fireTMS Driver application. Thanks to the application, the driver can send you order statuses and document pictures. For more information on the mobile app, see the fireTMS Driver App.

3. Contractor ratings, contractor blocking

This function will allow you to avoid many unpleasant situations. If you have encountered an unreliable contractor, you can block them or let fireTMS do it for you. All you need to do is set an automatic customer block when they have overdue payments.

4. Automatic notifications about overdue payments and requests for payment

In fireTMS, you can send an e-mail reminder to the customer about an upcoming or overdue payment date. You can do it yourself or you can set up automatic sending through the program.

5. 24/7 access to orders – the fireTMS Dispo app for forwarders and dispatchers

The fireTMS Dispo mobile app is a dedicated tool for forwarders and dispatchers, as it allows you to instantly see what status a transport order and cargo are at. You gain full access to the details of the transport fulfilment, no matter where or when. The application is compatible with fireTMS and all order statuses are updated in real time. You can react quickly to unforeseen situations and control the progress of the route.

6. Database of orders and documents available online

In the program, you have access to the history of all orders and you can add scans, CMR or other documents as attachments. Thanks to this, you will save a lot of time when searching for information from a few months ago. The attached files will also appear under the invoice.

7. Work planning with the Vehicle Schedule and Available Vehicles functions

The vehicle schedule is available online and visible to all forwarders / dispatchers. It will make it easier for you to plan orders, as well as additional events such as holidays, driver change or service. In the Available Vehicles tab, you can view a list of vehicles and the places where they will be available in a given time period. More information on the Vehicle Schedule can be found here: Vehicle Schedule – New Opportunities. A description of the Available Vehicles function, can be found here: Available Vehicles.

8. Tagging system

Tagging is a powerful tool to support many processes in a company. Thanks to the tagging system, you can create any list of orders, invoices, payments and many other objects in fireTMS. The assigned tags will organise the documents and also facilitate the flow of information. You can find out more about the tagging system here: Tags in fireTMS – categorisation and reporting

9. Integration with GPS

Integration with GPS is a must have for every transport company. In the program, you can track both your vehicles and subcontractors’ ones on one map when they provide you with a GPS signal. If this is not possible, it is enough for the driver to have the fireTMS Driver application active. You will see his location by phone, whether it is your employee or a third party carrier.

10. Cargo templates

If you have repeat orders, you don’t have to enter them again. Each of them can be saved as a template of a given client. Instead of entering all the data, all you have to do is select a template from the customer’s list and fill in the dates. More information about cargo templates can be found here: Cargo templates


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fireTMS team

fireTMS team

The article was written by the fireTMS team, based on their knowledge, experience and awareness of the TSL industry.

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